Conclave - Thank you Drivers!

Hello Everyone!

Conclave was an amazing event! I got to see several friends smiling and making memories all while having fun.

For everyone who was a driver, I thank you so much for your incredible service to the Lodge. Your willingness to help others and add additional time to your trip paid off as so many of our Arrowmen not only had tons of fun but also learned many new valuable skills and might even be inspired to do further great things with the Order of the Arrow in the future.

Our Lodge took a different approach than usual to coordinate rides with the implementation of Google Forms to submit the need for a ride and who would be able to provide a ride. In the future, we hope to continue to tailor this new approach so that the system will be even smoother for future events.

For the drivers who filled out the Google form, thank you again for your great service. For everyone who filled out the Google form, thank you for letting us know of your need and we encourage you to fill out future ride forms in the future if a ride is needed.

I hope to see you all soon!

Yours in Enthusiasm,

Tamas L. Phillips | Vice Chief of Communications
Order of the Arrow, Mowogo Lodge
Email |

Pre Camp 1 month away!


With Conclave in full swing, We have another event slowly sneaking up on us.

Our Pre-camp induction is taking place a month from now May 17th to May 19th and will be held at the beautiful Camp Rainey Mountain! Register here!

This weekend will be an induction weekend filled with service, fun, great food, and the ability to catch up with several Mowogo members!

Being a month away, various opportunities are still open to you such as Elangomat, Ceremonialist, Indian Engineer, Food Service Staff, and many more! Each of these is an amazing and fun way to give back to the lodge and learn unique skills in the process.

Emails and additional information are below.

  • Who: Mowogo Arrowmen and Elected Candidates
  • What: Snazzy Weekend of service and fun!
  • When: May 17th - May 19th, 2024
  • Where: Camp Rainey Mountain (1494 Rainey Mountain Rd Clayton, GA)
  • Why: Opportunity to learn and serve!
  • How: Register Here

If you are interested in being an Elangomat, the next training day will be on May 4th at Scoutland, Click Here for the training details.

If you are interested in being a Ceremonialist or being an Engineer, Contact Andrew at for details.

If you would like to work dining hall/administration, Contact Kit-Kat at for details.

Additionally, talk to your Chapter Chief if you would like a personalized job or recommendations!

Get excited for an event to remember!

Yours in Enthusiasm,

Tamas L. Phillips | Vice Chief of Communications
Order of the Arrow, Mowogo Lodge
Email |

Elangomat Training May 4th @ Scoutland

Hello Mowogo Lodge!

In a few short weeks at Scoutland, we will be holding an Elangomat Training!

The training will last from 9:30 A.M until roughly 12:30 P.M. There is no cost for the training but please also bring a water bottle, work gloves, work clothes, a notebook and pen, a raincoat, and your lunch. It will take place at the Craft Shack of Scoutland on May 4th.

One of the most important pieces of our Ordeal weekends is the Elangomats. This is such a necessary role that has the potential to make or break the experience of the candidates. The role of the Elangomat is simple - be a friend to the candidates. You serve with them throughout the day, staying silent, and eating little. It is an opportunity for you as an Arrowman to lead by example and demonstrate the cheerful service of our brotherhood.

There is only 1 training before Pre-Camp so please make sure to sign up!

Here is the link to register - Registration Link

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me at

Yours in Brotherhood,

Sankalp Yeleti | 2024 Mowogo Lodge VCM

Conclave is less than a week away!

Hello Everyone!

With Conclave less than a week away, we are at the last call to register for this amazing event! There is no deadline to register but it will be much easier and more beneficial to register early.

This weekend with scouts across Georgia and Alabama, expect the possibility to play games such as ultimate, volleyball, and many more. Stay up watching a movie or patch trading. Learn the history of our area and section with the several displays. Even learn new leadership skills or talents with the wide variety of training taking place!

Additionally, look forward to the music hour with our Lodge Chief where you have the opportunity to learn all about music and show off your musical talents!

Once again, the registration is now $60 and you can register here.

See you there!

Yours in Enthusiasm,

Tamas L. Phillips | Vice Chief of Communications
Order of the Arrow, Mowogo Lodge
Email |

Jimmy Buffet Music Hour @ Conclave

Calling all Mowogo musicians and music lovers!

It's Alex, and I am so looking forward to Conclavin' in paradise with each and every one of you in just over a week from now. I happen to be the trainer for the Jimmy Buffet music hour taking place during the training sessions on Saturday morning. The Jimmy Buffet hour training is meant to be a jam session; however, you can't have a jam session with only one person! If you're a musician and play an instrument, I invite you to bring yourself and your instrument to Conclave and attend the training so we can promote creative musical expression, talk about our favorite musicians, and see some of the awesome talent throughout Section E6.

Concerned that you don't play an instrument but still want to come? Well, this training is open to the entire section and is not restricted to just musicians. We would actually like for you to attend regardless of your musical background. This will also serve as an opportunity to learn about music and different instruments. I want to see you there!

Please let me know if you have any questions! My email is and note that I am under 18 so if you are over 18 please copy another adult for YP. Thank you.

Yours in Service,

Alex Sutter
Jimmy Buffet Music Hour Trainer
2024 Mowogo Lodge Chief