Brotherhood Membership

This information is to help Ordeal members seal their membership in our lodge, and reflects updates to the Brotherhood Requirements established by Order of the Arrow as of June, 2019. Since 2018, there are no additional fees are required to become a Brotherhood member.

ANY Ordeal member may seek admission into the Brotherhood circle by completing these seven steps:

  • Six months service as an Ordeal Member. This requirement is primarily one of tenure. Its purpose is to make certain that you have adequate time to learn about the Order of the Arrow and that you do not rush the transition to Brotherhood membership.

  • Registered active membership in Scouting. One of the main requirements to be able to remain a member of Mowogo Lodge is to be registered in Scouting in the Northeast Georgia Council.

  • Registered active membership in the Order of the Arrow. Firstly, your dues must be up to date. Secondly, you should, in good faith, attend as many OA functions as possible.

  • Memorize the Obligation, Order of the Arrow song, and the Admonition. Ordeal members who are aspiring to achieve Brotherhood are also asked to learn the Ordeal handclasp and sign and to demonstrate their knowledge to their chapter. You must demonstrate this knowledge in a Nimat session.

  • Write a letter to the Lodge Vice Chief of Communications. This letter should explain what you feel the Obligation means to you, how you have fulfilled the Obligation in your personal life, and how you will continue to fulfill your Obligation.

  • The Brotherhood Letter. In order to seal your membership in the Order of the Arrow, you must write a letter to the Lodge Vice Chief of Communications expressing your feelings about the Order of the Arrow and Mowogo Lodge, and what being a member of Mowogo Lodge means to you. Most importantly, you must explain in your own words what the Obligation means to you and how you have been fulfilling this Obligation in your daily life using your understanding of the customs and traditions of the Ordeal as your guide. Also, you must describe your specific plans or goals you have in giving cheerful service to Mowogo Lodge after taking your new pledge of Brotherhood. These goals do not have to be ones like serving in a leadership position, but can be as simple as being faithful and giving loyal support to the Order and its units by serving on committees, helping with election teams, or being an Elangomat. Once you have put these ideas and feelings down on paper, you should sign it and bring it with you to the Lodge Vice Chief of Communications at the Brotherhood Conversion event. Please do not feel anticipation about what you write in your letter. The Lodge Vice Chief of Communications is the only person who will ever read its contents.