
The Northeast Georgia Council, BSA, has three properties available to Scouts.
Mowogo Lodge assists the council in maintaining these properties for all to enjoy.

Camp Rainey Mountain

Located east of Clayton, Georgia, Camp Rainey Mountain provides year round camping and high adventure activities. Camp Rainey Mountain is home to one of Northeast Georgia Council's two Summer Camps. Camp Rainey Mountain is available for unit camping mid-August through first of June.

Map of Camp Rainey Mountain

Camp Rainey Mountain Website


Located on Lake Lanier, Scoutland provides year round camping and aquatic activities. Scoutland is home to one of Northeast Georgia Council's two Summer Camps and to Webelos Adventure Camp. Scoutland is available for unit camping mid-August through first of June. 

Map of Scoutland

Scoutland Website

Camp Rotary

Located on Lake Hartwell, Camp Rotary provides year round "primitive" camping. This 25 acre camp on the lake was built with funds raised by the Rotary Club of Hartwell, Georgia.

Map of Camp Rotary

Camp Rotary Website