Mowogo Lodge
Function Lodging Procedures and Risk Management Policies

Each chapter is assigned a specific area for camping.  Chapters assigned to a campsite have preference over “overflow” campers from other chapters. Be aware that as the lodge grows, covered camping, adirondack and cabin sites, may not be sufficient for all chapter members.  Some chapter members may be required to camp in tents.  Camping under the area shelters is also permitted.  The campsites will be assigned to each chapter and will be noted on the schedule for the weekend.

It is the hope and expectation that as chapter members camp with fellow chapter members, new friendships are made and chapter “Esprit de Corps” be promoted.

Lodge youth, that is members under 21 years of age, are not permitted to camp in the staff cabins nor in the family camping pavilion.  Lodge officers are permitted to bunk in the Directors' Cabin.  No lodging is permitted in the Headquarters Building or staff area without the permission of the Lodge Key Three.

Vehicles in Camp

Whereas the Council has a policy restricting vehicles in Camp Rainey Mountain and the members of Mowogo Lodge wish to support and comply with that Council policy, the Lodge Executive Committee has adopted the following policy in regard to lodge functions:

With but a few exceptions, as noted following, no vehicle is permitted into the camp beyond the Administration Building.

In the interest of safety, each chapter will be allowed one vehicle at the chapter campsite.  The chapter Adviser, or his designee, will designate that vehicle.  Other than for use in emergencies, that vehicle will remain parked at the campsite throughout the event.

Adult Advisers will be allowed to transport tools and equipment by vehicle to their assigned work location.  Once the work is completed, the vehicle will be returned to the camp parking lot.  At the discretion of the work crew chief, a youth between the ages of 18 and 20 may provide transportation for work supplies and tools.  Vehicles will also be permitted to transport outfits for the Ceremony and Dance teams.

Requests for exceptions, that is, medical or physical reasons must be brought to the Lodge Adviser or Lodge Staff Adviser for approval.  No youth under the age of 18 are permitted to operate a motor vehicle in camp.  In addition, the only suitable place to park is in the parking lot area below the dam.

Pet Policy

For health and safety reasons it is the policy of Camp Rainey Mountain and Mowogo Lodge that pets are not permitted into Camp Rainey Mountain, or other sites of lodge activities, during lodge functions.  Those bringing their pets to lodge function will be asked to remove their pets from the camp property.

Medical Forms

All Lodge members must have an up-to-date Medical form on file with the Lodge. Youth and adults are required to use the new Annual Medical Form.

Medical/Accident Insurance

Lodge members and Ordeal candidates should be aware that their Scout Unit Accident Insurance and/or personal health insurance is in effect at all lodge/Order of the Arrow events and activities.  Neither Mowogo Lodge, the Northeast Georgia Council, nor the Boy Scouts of America will be responsible for reimbursement of accident or sickness expenses for Order of the Arrow members, potential members, or guests at lodge events.  Lodge members and Ordeal candidates should be aware that, at the discretion of the Lodge Executive Committee, Lodge Event Sickness and Accident Insurance might be purchased by the lodge with premiums being assessed to the attendees of those events as part of the event fee.

Camp Specific Emergency Procedures

The emergency procedures specific to Northeast Georgial Council camps can be found in the following PDF documents.