Duties of the Lodge Officers


Vice Chief of Membership

  1. Distribute all election procedures and forms to Chapter Advisers and Chiefs.
  2. Remind chapters to inform unit leaders about unit election procedures and qualifications.
  3. Develop an information sheet that can be given to each unit leader explaining item 2 for next year.
  4. Distribute lists of troops and scoutmasters, in each chapter’s area, to the Vice Chiefs of Membership.
  5. Make sure all chapters have elections done on time and reports turned in.
  6. Send a copy of the reports to the Finance Chairman and Lodge Vice Chief of Communications.
  7. Inform the Elangomat Chairman about how many Elangomats will be required for each chapter.
  8. Distribute appropriate numbers of National’s camping promotion packages to Chapter Chiefs by the Christmas Banquet.
  9. Develop a unit election handbook for use by election teams, including election procedures, a short “script” that could be used, and information about summer camp at Rainey Mt. and Scoutland.
  10. Distribute a copy of the council camping promotion video to each chapter.
  11. Distribute a copy of the election video to each chapter that requires it.
  12. Hold a training session at Pow-Wow regarding unit elections.
  13. Conduct the candidate check-in at Ordeal functions.
  14. Help prepare and run an effective Ordeal Orientation with the other lodge officers.
  15. Make sure that all new Ordeal members have a copy of the current Brotherhood conversion booklet at the Ordeal Orientation.
  16. Help to run a successful Ordeal.
  17. Encourage chapters to sponsor District events.
  18. Report to the Lodge on all Chapter Brotherhood Weekends
  19. Assume role of Lodge Chief when required.

A more detailed description of the VCM duties and responsibilities can be found HERE.


Vice Chief of Indian Affairs

  1. Direct the Indian Engineers.
  2. Direct the Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies.
  3. Oversee and promote the lodge dance team.
  4. Encourage chapter to have ceremony and dance teams.
  5. Prepare and organize for Conclave and NOAC Indian events.
  6. Help the Indian Engineers recruit more members.
  7. Help the ceremony and dance teams organize recruitment efforts at lodge functions.
  8. Oversee all Indian related events at lodge functions.
  9. Help with the Ordeal Orientation.
  10. Help Chapters prepare ceremony teams for Chapter Brotherhood Weekends.


Lodge Vice Chief of Communications

  1. Collect the Brotherhood requirements at work weekends, and give the names of the individuals who completed all requirements to Information Services.
  2. Publish the lodge newsletter.
  3. Take the minutes at LEC’s, and have copies of them ready to distribute at the next ECM.
  4. Take attendance at LEC’s.
  5. Print and mail LEC reminders.
  6. Investigate ways to use the Internet in newsletter distribution.
  7. Prepare the lodge bulletin board for Conclave.
  8. Works with Lodge Chief to revise new planbook.


Lodge Vice Chief of Administration

  1. Conduct member check-in at all functions.
  2. Check meal cards at all meals besides cracker barrels and Sunday’s breakfast.
  3. Make new membership cards during functions.
  4. Organize the lodge’s physical files so that they are easily accessible at functions.
  5. Write articles and send them to the section secretary for publishing in the Sixteenth Blaze.
  6. Help with the Ordeal Orientation.
  7. Responsible for getting Administrative Events ready for Conclave.