Duties of the Lodge Officers
Vice Chief of Membership
- Distribute all election procedures and forms to Chapter Advisers and Chiefs.
- Remind chapters to inform unit leaders about unit election procedures and qualifications.
- Develop an information sheet that can be given to each unit leader explaining item 2 for next year.
- Distribute lists of troops and scoutmasters, in each chapter’s area, to the Vice Chiefs of Membership.
- Make sure all chapters have elections done on time and reports turned in.
- Send a copy of the reports to the Finance Chairman and Lodge Vice Chief of Communications.
- Inform the Elangomat Chairman about how many Elangomats will be required for each chapter.
- Distribute appropriate numbers of National’s camping promotion packages to Chapter Chiefs by the Christmas Banquet.
- Develop a unit election handbook for use by election teams, including election procedures, a short “script” that could be used, and information about summer camp at Rainey Mt. and Scoutland.
- Distribute a copy of the council camping promotion video to each chapter.
- Distribute a copy of the election video to each chapter that requires it.
- Hold a training session at Pow-Wow regarding unit elections.
- Conduct the candidate check-in at Ordeal functions.
- Help prepare and run an effective Ordeal Orientation with the other lodge officers.
- Make sure that all new Ordeal members have a copy of the current Brotherhood conversion booklet at the Ordeal Orientation.
- Help to run a successful Ordeal.
- Encourage chapters to sponsor District events.
- Report to the Lodge on all Chapter Brotherhood Weekends
- Assume role of Lodge Chief when required.
A more detailed description of the VCM duties and responsibilities can be found HERE.
Vice Chief of Indian Affairs
- Direct the Indian Engineers.
- Direct the Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies.
- Oversee and promote the lodge dance team.
- Encourage chapter to have ceremony and dance teams.
- Prepare and organize for Conclave and NOAC Indian events.
- Help the Indian Engineers recruit more members.
- Help the ceremony and dance teams organize recruitment efforts at lodge functions.
- Oversee all Indian related events at lodge functions.
- Help with the Ordeal Orientation.
- Help Chapters prepare ceremony teams for Chapter Brotherhood Weekends.
Lodge Vice Chief of Communications
- Collect the Brotherhood requirements at work weekends, and give the names of the individuals who completed all requirements to Information Services.
- Publish the lodge newsletter.
- Take the minutes at LEC’s, and have copies of them ready to distribute at the next ECM.
- Take attendance at LEC’s.
- Print and mail LEC reminders.
- Investigate ways to use the Internet in newsletter distribution.
- Prepare the lodge bulletin board for Conclave.
- Works with Lodge Chief to revise new planbook.
Lodge Vice Chief of Administration
- Conduct member check-in at all functions.
- Check meal cards at all meals besides cracker barrels and Sunday’s breakfast.
- Make new membership cards during functions.
- Organize the lodge’s physical files so that they are easily accessible at functions.
- Write articles and send them to the section secretary for publishing in the Sixteenth Blaze.
- Help with the Ordeal Orientation.
- Responsible for getting Administrative Events ready for Conclave.