Spring Fellowship registration closes in 2 days!

Greetings Brothers!

Spring Fellowship is just around the corner, happening this coming weekend!

This is an incredible opportunity to serve Camp Rainey Mountain, make incredible memories, and engage in some amazing fellowship!

But don’t wait! The opportunity to register closes on March 18th, 2025, and you won’t want to miss out on this unforgettable experience. Register today and make sure you’re part of this exciting event.

See y’all there!


Yours in Cheerful Service,

Isabella Starbuck
Vice Chief of Communications
Mowogo Lodge | Order of the Arrow

Support the Conclave Food Drive:
Bring Canned Goods to Spring Fellowship and Register for Conclave



As we prepare for our upcoming Spring Fellowship, we have a wonderful opportunity to contribute to our community. We are requesting each attendee to bring 1-2 canned goods to donate to the Conclave food drive. Your contributions will directly support those in need and exemplify our commitment to service.

Conclave Registration Information

Additionally, we encourage all members to participate in the 2025 Section E6 Conclave, scheduled for April 4-6 at Bert Adams Scout Camp. Conclave is a section-wide event offering training sessions, fun activities, and memorable fellowship experiences.

  • Late Fee Applies After: March 18
  • Activities Include:
    • Training sessions
    • Quest games (Ultimate, Wischixin, etc.)
    • Unforgettable food and fellowship

To register, please visit the Conclave Registration Page.

Thank you for your generosity and enthusiasm. We look forward to seeing you at Spring Fellowship and Conclave!

Sankalp Yeleti | Lodge Chief
Mowogo Lodge, Order of the Arrow

Conclave Merch Open for Pre-order!


In preparation for Section E6's Conclave, we have released the pre-order for the Mowogo Conclave merch!

We have two kinds of Lodge flaps, as well as a t-shirt. I've attached images below so that you can get a preview of them.
Special thanks to Tommy Phillips for making the designs!

You can put in your orders here on the Mowogo Lodge website. Trading Post
Any pre-orders will be available for pick-up at Conclave, or any later Lodge events.

Pre-orders will end on March 25th, so make sure you check it out before then.
See yall at Conclave!

Yours in Cheerfulness,

Seth Grindle
Vice Chief of Finance, Mowogo Lodge

Spring Fellowship Registration Is LIVE!


This is a friendly reminder to sign up for the first ordeal weekend of the year. An event you won't want to miss!

This weekend will be packed with service, fellowship, and, of course, amazing food. It’s the perfect opportunity to learn more about the OA, connect with fellow brothers, and help get CRM ready for summer!

Here’s what you can expect!

  1. Service Projects: We’ll be rolling up our sleeves to help with various service projects around Camp Rainey Mountain.
  2. Fellowship: It's a time to meet new people, connect with old friends, and build lifelong friendships.
  3. New Experiences: This weekend will have many opportunities for you to find your role in Mowogo Lodge. Whether it is being an elangomat, ceremonialist, engineer, or even a photographer the help you offer is limitless!

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to grow, serve, and enjoy some fun along the way. We encourage you to sign up now so you don’t miss a chance to be part of the first Ordeal of the year.


Yours in Cheerful Service,

Isabella Starbuck
Vice Chief of Communication
Mowogo Lodge | Order of the Arrow

Elangomat Training 3/15 Rainey Mtn 10 am

Hello Mowogo Lodge!

In a few short weeks at Camp Rainey Mountain we will be holding an Elangomat Training!

The training will last from 10:00 A.M until roughly 1:00 P.M. There is no cost for the training but please also bring a water bottle, work gloves, work clothes, a notebook and pen, a raincoat, and your lunch. We will be meeting on the Admin Building porch at Rainey Mountain on March 15th.

One of the most important pieces of our Ordeal weekends is the Elangomats. This is such a necessary role that has the potential to make or break the experience of the candidates. The role of the Elangomat is simple - be a friend to the candidates. You serve with them throughout the day, staying silent, and eating little. It is an opportunity for you as an Arrowman to lead by example and demonstrate the cheerful service of our brotherhood.

There is only 1 training before Spring Fellowship please make sure to sign up!

Here is the link to register - REGISTRATION LINK

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me at lodge.vcm@mowogo.org.

Yours in Service,

Allison Kaplan
Mowogo Lodge Vice Chief of Membership