Elangomat Training 3/15 Rainey Mtn 10 am
Hello Mowogo Lodge!
In a few short weeks at Camp Rainey Mountain we will be holding an Elangomat Training!
The training will last from 10:00 A.M until roughly 1:00 P.M. There is no cost for the training but please also bring a water bottle, work gloves, work clothes, a notebook and pen, a raincoat, and your lunch. We will be meeting on the Admin Building porch at Rainey Mountain on March 15th.
One of the most important pieces of our Ordeal weekends is the Elangomats. This is such a necessary role that has the potential to make or break the experience of the candidates. The role of the Elangomat is simple - be a friend to the candidates. You serve with them throughout the day, staying silent, and eating little. It is an opportunity for you as an Arrowman to lead by example and demonstrate the cheerful service of our brotherhood.
There is only 1 training before Spring Fellowship please make sure to sign up!
Here is the link to register - REGISTRATION LINK
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me at lodge.vcm@mowogo.org.
Yours in Service,
Allison Kaplan
Mowogo Lodge Vice Chief of Membership