Spring Fellowship...& another reason why 2025 will be Great!

Greetings, Fellow Wearers of the Arrow!

We hope this finds each and every one of you well and getting excited about making 2025 the best year, yet, for Mowogo Lodge! We are currently at 147 total (both Ordeal Candidates and members) for Spring Fellowship.The deadline for registering before the late fee begins is tomorrow. Our Lodge Executive Committee has been working to prepare a meaningful Ordeal and to complete some necessary service next weekend.

As always, our first and most important task is to create a meaningful Ordeal experience so that our candidates will be able to gain insight into what Servant leadership means in the Order of the Arrow and find greater meaning in the ideals of Scouting.These Scouts and Scouters have been honored by their units because others saw in them what we look for in the efforts and work of ourselves. If that meaningful experience is achieved, these (then) new Ordeal members can return to their units and inspire through action and deed others to find the higher purpose in serving the good of others in Scouting and in their interaction with everyone they meet. Yes, there is a ripple effect that can make someone’s day a little better by our willingness to open doors for others, return grocery carts to their intended place, and just by being nice to someone for no reason other than we can. Let’s do our ‘Good Turn’ so that others we may never meet can feel a little better by the example and service we will share in our fellowship.

2025 is also special because the Northeast Georgia Council celebrates its 90th anniversary of serving youth and our communities! We are blessed and fortunate as our council continues to set an amazing example of the best of Scouting. In many aspects of program, Northeast Georgia leads or is in the top of Scouting councils around the country. It is difficult to see from inside, but I can share through experience serving outside of our council, Northeast Georgia is special. That is because of the dedication and passion of all who participate in and serve all our programs including Mowogo Lodge.

As a part of this celebration, the Northeast Georgia Council is providing a commemorative patch set (council strip and round patch). A flyer is attached for more information and details on how to order your set(s)!When I learned about this opportunity, a rush of memories flushed through my mind. My participation in this council has and continues to enrich my life and I have made and reconnected with many others that I have the honor to serve with. I am not a patch collector/trader, but these will be a part of the collection I do have.They will remind me of these memories, the people who are a part of these memories, as well as my time serving as your Lodge Adviser in 2025. I hope for all of you the same deep appreciation I have for the opportunity to be a part of Scouting in Northeast Georgia.

NEGA 1935 2025

If you haven’t registered for Spring Fellowship, please do so soon so we can order food appropriately.Looking forward to seeing all of you next weekend!

Yours in Cheerfulness,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA


NEGA 90th Anniversary Patch Order Form

Winter Banquet

Winter Banquet 2024

Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters!

We hope this finds you enjoying some wintery weather today. Our Winter Banquet is one week from tomorrow at Rainey Mountain. Our Lodge Chief has secured the 2024 National Vice Chief as our Keynote speaker and our outstanding Lodge Food Services team has another amazing meal in the works. If you haven't registered for the banquet please do so soon so we can plan our food purchase appropriately. You can register by clicking this link: Winter Banquet.

Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you next Saturday at Rainey Mountain!

Yours in Cheerfulness,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, Scouting America

Indian Winter Postponed

Good afternoon.

The 2025 Indian Winter event scheduled for this weekend has been postponed due to the forecasted winter storm expected over the coming few days. Dates for the postponed event have not been determined. We will let you know when those have been announced.

Please be safe!

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, Scouting America

Lodge Leadership Development Conference

UofS Art

Greetings, Fellow Wearers of the Arrow!

We hope this finds you well and readying yourselves to celebrate this season of thanks and gratitude with your family and friends. In that light, thank you for a fantastic second annual Fall Fellowship at Scoutland last weekend. We had even more honored campers gather this year than last year and look forward to continued growth for all our fellowships! Selfless service was provided that improved the most used property in the Northeast Georgia Council that included the removal of a great amount of debris and the construction of a new bridge to Council Rock. More than 1100 hours of cheerful service was shared. Thank you!

In a couple of weeks on Saturday, December 7, Mowogo Lodge will hold its annual Lodge Leadership Development Conference (LLDC) at the University of Scouting. The Lodge Chief-Elect for 2025 has designed a program that will set the vision and his goals for the coming year. This event is required for all incoming members of the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC): Lodge Officers, Lodge Advisers, Chapter Chiefs, and Chapter Advisers. Gathering at the University of Scouting is an opportunity to share fellowship training with veteran and new participants in a variety of programs offered in the Northeast Georgia Council. As Honored Scouts and Scouters, it is another opportunity to serve, this time as examples and role models. Participation in the LLDC is open to all members of the Lodge.

If you are a member of the 2025 LEC or if you wish to participate to explore how you can become more engaged in the Order of the Arrow program in Mowogo Lodge, please register for this event as soon as you can so that appropriate logisitical preparations can be made for your attendance. You can register for the event at this link: University of Scouting | Northeast Georgia Council | 101. There is no fee to attend the LLDC, but if you wish to enjoy a provided lunch, there is a $10+ cost that you will need to register for at that site.

Thank yopu for representing the best of Scouting each and every day. We hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday! We look forward to seeing you at the University of Scouting!

Yours in Cheerfulness,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA

Brother TJ Stevens

Good morning, Honored Scouts & Scouters.TJStevens

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of the passing of Brother TJ Stevens last night. TJ was a Vigil Honor member of Mowogo Lodge and left a legacy of service and passion for Scouting and the Order of the Arrow. He was a former Scoutmaster and three of his sons achieved Eagle Scout and were also chosen for the Vigil Honor. All three still provide valuable service to the properties of the Northeast Georgia Council. TJ is pictured above with his son Briar after he passed his Eagle Board of Review.

TJ was named “Tuney Machkeu Lennon” from the language of the Lenni Lenape nation when he received the Vigil Honor. The English translation means “Bearded Redman.”

Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers as they adjust to this difficult transition.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA