Quality Chapter and Honor Chapter Criteria
I. In order to qualify as a Quality Chapter, all of the following criteria must be met:
- Have all Elangomats and Elangomat chairman for your chapter trained this year before they serve as Elangomats by the Ordeal Committee.
- Have all unit election team members and Advisers trained indirectly by the Lodge Vice Chief of Membership through the Chapter Vice Chief of Membership and/or Elections before they conduct elections.
- Hold a work weekend at Camp Rainy Mountain, Scoutland, or Camp Rotary. This work weekend must consist of at least 51% of the active chapter membership working for 6 hours.
- Chapter held a 3 hour One Day of Service project with at least 40% of its active membership.
- Submit at least one article on Chapter activities for the Arrow Points.
II. Quality Chapters will be evaluated on the following criteria to determine the Honor Chapter:
- 3 points for each chapter officer attending Lodge Leadership Development.
- 2 points for each youth and 1 point for each adult represented at each Executive Committee Meeting.
- 5 points for each chapter holding elections in every unit desiring one and turning in the reports correctly.
- Must be emailed appropriately by deadline and turn in hard copy by deadline.
- If a chapter turns in all election reports on disk by hard copy deadline they will receive an additional 2 points.
- 3 points for each member of a chapter on staff at Scoutland or Camp Rainey Mt. (up to 5 staffers)
- Chapter had a Brotherhood conversion rate of the following for all Ordeal members eligible to take their Brotherhood.
0% - 29% |
0 points |
30% - 34% |
5 points |
35% - 44% |
12 points |
45% - 59% |
20 points |
60% - 100% |
28 points |
- Chapter was of service at a district Scout Expo or Camporee. This does not include holding elections, camping promotion, or a call-out ceremony. (8 points)
- Chapter held a camping promotion session at at least 75% of the Troops in the district. (5 points)
- Chapter held a public call-out ceremony for Ordeal candidates. (5 points)
- Each member on the ceremony, dance, or drum team that was an active participant. (3 for each brother)
- Chapter has its own ceremony or dance team which performed at a section or lodge function. (10 points)
- Chapter had an extra work weekend. (12 points) (Add 4 more points if held at Scoutland before summer camp, 2 points if at Rotary.)
- Chapter had a certain percentage of total active members at Spring Fellowship, Pre-Camp, and Pow-Wow:
0% - 24% |
2 points |
25% - 35% |
4 points |
36% - 47% |
6 points |
48% - 59% |
8 points |
60% - 100% |
10 points |
- Chapter had a youth that participated in a competition event at Conclave. (4 points each)
- Chapter had a youth teach a training session at Pow-Wow or Conclave. (5 points each)
- Chapter submitted additional articles on Chapter activities for the Arrow Points. (4 points for each article)
*These criteria may be amended anytime prior to Pow-Wow.
Each chapter must submit a typed report stating what they think their score is and why. This report is due to the Lodge Chief by the conclusion of the Executive Committee Meeting following Lodge Leader Development. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE REVIEWED!!!!!!