Indian Affairs Workday, Saturday 2/4, 9 am to 3 pm


As many of you know the Mowogo ring is in desperate need of our help. We will be having a major workday on February 4 from 9:00 - 3:00. We will be working on the creek and fixing the sinkhole. We need as many people as possible in order to get this big project done as fast as we can.

We will be installing a new bridge in the ring, along with filling in the sink hole. This workday will be super busy and fun. We will have some snacks for everyone to enjoy.

Where: Camp Rainey Mountain Mowogo Shelter

When: 9:00 - 3:00
What to Bring: Lunch, work gloves, and a water bottle

Yours in Brotherhood,

Jayce WIggs  |  Vice Chief of Indian Affairs
Mowogo Lodge