Mowogo Website Move is Complete

We are happy to report that the website move is now complete. We are running again on the domain, the registration system is back online, and all email forwarders for Lodge leadership positions are in place.

Registration is now open to Lodge members for Pow Wow.

Registration is also open to Ordeal candidates for the Fall Fellowshihp event at Scoutland.
Please note that Fall Fellowship registration for Lodge members will not open until after Pow Wow in order to minimize the workload on the Admin Team.

New Captcha System

Most of you should be familiar with the traditional captcha verification check box. This is that little checkbox at the end of a form meant to verify that we are real human beings, and we all love having to pick out bus and traffic light images out of a line up.

The new website software still uses captcha as live user verification, however we are now using what is referred to as "Invisible Captcha" or ReCaptcha v3. This new method eliminates the check box and image selection with all verification under the hood, which should help streamline the registration/order process.

I have noticed that the new Invisible Captcha system must learn new email addresses. As such, the first time you attempt to register for an event since the move, you may see a captcha fail message (little red box in the lower right) after you click the "Process Registration" button. If this occurs, you will be returned to the registration form with all of your entered information still in place, and you should simply be able to click the "Process Registration" button again for the registration transaction to complete. This should not occur again on future registrations using the same email address.