Spring Fellowship Photo Album!
Hello Brothers!
Here is the link for the finished photo album for Spring Fellowship! Let me know if you have any problems!
The link can be found here: https://suziwiggs.smugmug.com/Mowogo/2024Mowogo/2024SpringFellowship-PhotoTeam/n-tRknww
If you have any pictures to add, either DM them to the Mowogo Instagram @Mowogo243 or post them on the Mowogo Lodge Facebook page.
Additionally, you can email our photography Chair Addi Scott at photo.committee@mowogo.org and copy her adviser Suzi Wiggs at photo.committee.adviser@mowogo.org.
Thank you all!
Yours in Enthusiasm,
Tamas L. Phillips | Vice Chief of Communications
Order of the Arrow, Mowogo Lodge
Email | lodge.vcc@mowogo.org