Elangomat Training 2023


We are excited to announce the 2023 Elangomat training dates! Elangomats are the brothers who help to guide new Ordeal candidates through their Ordeal and to Brotherhood. We need each of you to become a trained Elangomat to help to make this year a success for both our Lodge and for the new Candidates.

The training will last from 9:00 A.M. until 1:30 P.M. unless otherwise stated. There is no cost for the training, but you will need to bring your own lunch. Please also bring a water bottle, work gloves, work clothes, a notebook and pen, and a raincoat.

The scheduled dates are as follows:
January 21st - Scoutland (Admin Building)
February 11th - Camp Woodruff (Machque Brotherhood Day)
March 11th - Scoutland (Craft Shack)
April 1st - Camp Rotary
May 13th - Scoutland (Admin Building)

One of the most important pieces of our Ordeal weekends is the Elangomats.
This is such a necessary role that has the potential to make or break the experience of the candidates.

The role of the Elangomat is simple - be a friend to the candidates. You serve with them throughout the day, staying silent, and eating little. It is an opportunity for you as an Arrowman to lead by example and demonstrate the cheerful service of our brotherhood.

If you are interested in serving at one (or both) of our Ordeal weekends this year, and either have not been previously trained or would like to be eligible for Wolf Clan this year, please register to attend one of the training dates and locations listed.

Pay special attention to our first elangomat training NEXT WEEKEND at Scoutland. Registration is on the Mowogo Website, and it is completely free to sign up. As our brothers who have previously Elangomated will tell you, the experience is life changing and helps to remind you of the purpose of our Order. I look forward to seeing you all at one of our Elangomat trainings!

Here is the link to register - Elangomat Training Registration


Alex Sutter
Vice Chief of Membership
Mowogo Lodge