Mowogo Lodge Hits National News (in a good way!)

Greetings to all members of the Clan of the Black Bear!

If there was any doubt, let it be extinguished today. The Black Bear has awakened from its pandemic-induced hibernation. This has been recognized by our fellow sisters and brothers in the Order of the Arrow and shared with them all on a national level.

Brother Jacob Ball submitted an article about our Spring Induction Event in March to the Lodge Ledger, a national newsletter for the Order of the Arrow, and it was published yesterday. Here is the link: Jacob wrote a great article and we are very appreciative of his efforts to create a successful event as our Vice Chief of Membership as well as now serving as a Section leader for our section, SR-9. Our Lodge Chief and all of the members of the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) and all youth and advisers that served on the staff for the event worked very hard during the months leading up to the event to make it something special as they focused solely on the Ordeal (induction) experience for our newest members and complete some much-needed maintenance service at our camp.

Please take a moment to read Jacob’s article. We hope to see all of you at our Pre-Camp Fellowship next weekend at Rainey Mountain as we work to prepare for the summer camp season.

Thank you for all you do to set the example as the Honor Society of the Northeast Georgia Council. It is noticed and appreciated. Keep the fire burning.

Yours in Service,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA