Year End Updates

Greetings, Fellow Wearers of the Arrow!

We hope this finds you well and readying yourselves for the Thanksgiving break!

Just a few items for you as we approach the end of 2022.

First, the annual Mowogo Lodge Winter Banquet will be held at Rainey Mountain on Saturday, January 14th, beginning at 4:00PM. This is a change from years past where we have gathered on the first Saturday in December. We will celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of our Lodge Leadership for 2022 and prepare for 2023 with the installation of our incoming Lodge Leadership. Please put this date and time on your calendar so we can celebrate and share fellowship!

Register for Winter Banquet

Our Lodge Leadership Development Conference (LLDC) will be held during the University of Scouting on December 3rd beginning at 9:00AM. The incoming Lodge Chief will lead this conference as he sets his vision for the lodge in 2023 and begins building the leadership team to achieve that vision. This conference is open to all lodge members, but it is specifically for the members of the Lodge Leadership and is required of the incoming members of the Lodge Executive Committee (all lodge officers and Chapter Chiefs).

If you were not able to attend our Pow Wow event in September and have not paid your 2023 dues, please go to this link: Pay Dues & Transfers and you can pay your dues online. Our members with up to date paid dues help the lodge with year end reporting requirements as we recharter in December. Thank you in advance for your consideration on this!

We hope that you and all of yours have a safe and happy holiday! As we approach this season of giving thanks, please know that we appreciate you and the example you set for others to see what it means to be an Honor Scout! Your example of service to others has greater meaning during this time of year. Your presence and example serve the greater purpose of our Order and Scouting and the world we live in. Thank you.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA