
Good evening, Fellow Wearers of the Arrow!

The 2024 Section E6 Conclave is now upon us. For the first time ever, Mowogo Lodge will provide the Section youth leadership for one of our Conclaves for two consecutive years…that’s right, back-to-back! Historic. To add to the Mowogo connection, the Lodge Adviser of the host/service lodge is an alum of Mowogo with his own Mowogo record having served as Lodge Chief for three consecutive years…back-to-back-to-back! We also claim Miss Emma Wright as a distant member of the Mowogo family too!

To demonstrate the sense of Cheerful Spirit from honor Scouts and Scouters from Northeast Georgia for this Conclave, I am very proud to share with you that, besides the host lodge, Mowogo has the largest lodge contingent registered for the event. Many thanks to our Lodge Chief and Lodge Executive Committee who worked very hard to promote our participation in this Conclave. In addition, our Mowogo Lodge Food Services Team will be leading the food service at Conclave in support of the host lodge and section. Among the usual reasons to enjoy a Conclave experience, the connection to this Conclave, this weekend, is deep, active, engaged, and…well…’all in,’ for this weekend. Thank you to all who are participating, have promoted, and are serving this weekend. Many firsts, sounds like the Mowogo I know!

For those not able to make it, you will be missed but not forgotten. For those of you attending, be prepared to engage, seek out and learn, be open to learning, and, if necessary, be prepared to serve when asked. It is a Scouting event and one should always be prepared to serve. With so many Mowogo firsts and connections, what an honor to participate and serve if asked for this territorial event.

Be safe in your travels.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA