Greetings, Fellow Wearers of the Arrow!

We hope you are looking forward to a great weekend of fellowship and celebration at Pow Wow.

The qualifying candidates for Mowogo Lodge Offices for 2022 are as follows:

  • Lodge Chief - Jacob Ball (only choice)
  • Lodge VCM - Joseph McGahee (1st choice) & Liam Weng (1st choice)
  • Lodge VCA - William Chatham (1st choice) & Liam Weng (2nd choice)
  • Lodge VCIA - William Chatham (2nd choice)
  • Lodge VCC - Will Benjamin (only choice) & Mitchell Donnelly (only choice)
  • Lodge VCF - Joseph McGahee (2nd choice)

We look forward to seeing the new leadership for Mowogo Lodge stepping up and leading the way for next year.
If there is a vacancy for an office after the election, the 2022 Lodge Chief and LEC will follow the bylaws in selecting someone to assume the office.
Thanks to all those that submitted their completed paperwork on time.

Best of luck to all of our candidates!

Yours in Brotherhood,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA

Pow Wow!!!

Greetings, fellow wearers of the Arrow!

We hope this message finds you well and that each of you and all of yours had a great summer.

Our annual Pow Wow event is now approximately three weeks away. This event is important for a number of reasons. It is a time to focus on the fellowship aspect of our Lodge and purpose of our Order. We will gather to share time together in training, fun and games, as well as prepare to elect new youth leadership for Mowogo Lodge and our Chapters. Pow Wow offers us a chance to celebrate the accomplishments of the previous year and enjoy the excitement and enthusiasm of new leadership for the coming year.

Mowogo Lodge has emerged from the public health concern that still grips our new normal in very strong form. Our youth leadership took on the challenge of creating a first for Mowogo Lodge by holding a successful Induction-only event that was touted and shared with our brothers and sisters nationally as an example for other lodges. We are proud to have our newest members join our fold and prepare to take their place in the future of our lodge in service and leadership. Two of our own were elected at the 2021 Section Conclave to serve and lead our Section for this year and represent our lodge. Our youth leadership produced a successful Pre-Camp Fellowship and Mowogo Lodge provided its unmatched and well-known service to prepare Rainey Mountain for what was a successful summer camp program for thousands of Scouts and Scouters. And we learned some things that shine a bright light on the potential for our lodge to contribute and lead even more in our service and support of the summer camp program.

Due to the uncertainty created by the pandemic, we did not prepare for Chapters to offer their members to serve as Docents for the Museum at Rainey Mountain this summer. We first opened the museum in 2019 and each Chapter selected a week they would open and guide campers through the Museum and enjoy the collection and work of so many to maintain our heritage and history. Those that enjoyed the museum in 2019 shared much enthusiasm and desire for the museum to be open this summer. In an act of service and leadership that has become his example for us all over the past half a century, Vigil Honor Brother Lane Bridges stepped in to open the museum for the remaining weeks of summer camp. Vigil Honor Brother and Lodge Memorabilia Adviser Kevin Jones also stepped in and opened the museum during the week his troop was at Rainey Mountain. Thank you both. This demand was unexpected but very much welcomed! The museum serves a great purpose and many of our members have given much of their time, personal resources, and personal collections to support this program. We look forward to growing the museum and sharing our history of Scouting.

In early August, Mowogo Lodge was represented at a National Council of Chiefs gather at the Philmont Scout Ranch. The purpose of this gathering was to share current issues and goals for how the Order of the Arrow will move forward in the coming years. It was informative and revealing to share this time with leaders of our Order from around our nation as well as representatives from beyond our shores and borders. Mowogo Lodge appears to well prepared to move forward and succeed in our purpose.

As evidence, AGG Chapter hosted the “Indian Summer” event at Camp Rotary a couple of weeks ago after a year hiatus in 2020. Thank you for your service and leadership in getting this event back up and running. I have no doubt it will grow in the coming years.

I would also like to thank our lodge leaders that participated in and facilitated the Section “ACT” Conference held this past Saturday at Camp Thunder in the Flint River Council, BSA and hosted by Ini-to Lodge. The ACT (“Adapt, Collaborate, Thrive”) Conference is a Section offering to support lodges within the Section with training and ideas to grow our membership and opportunities for leadership for our youth members.

As you can see, much has been happening and Mowogo Lodge continues to blaze a path for the future. As we prepare for that future, I would encourage all of our youth that feel that they can offer their service and leadership to Mowogo Lodge and the Northeast Georgia Council, BSA to consider running for an elected lodge office. Please find the attached “Lodge Officer Expectations” and “Letter of Intent to run for Lodge Office” forms to learn more about what means and what it takes to serve as a lodge officer for Mowogo Lodge. Please note the deadline (Tuesday, September 14, by either email or postal service) for submitting both of these documents completed and signed to me. The Order of the Arrow offers a very unique opportunity to experience leadership that has a lasting impact on our lodge, our council, and on those individuals that commit to serve and lead in a formal leadership role. Lodge Officer elections will take place on Sunday morning of Pow Wow which will allow all candidates to campaign and share their vision for the coming year for Mowogo Lodge with our membership.

The 2022 NOAC (National Order of the Arrow Conference) will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee at the University of Tennessee next summer…only a few hours away! Our Contingent Leader, Brotherhood member Jacob McGahee, and our Contingent Adviser, Vigil Honor Candidate Howard Chalmers, have been planning a great trip. Our Lodge Chief has shared his vision for taking as many of our members as we can. You can learn more about NOAC and participate in the planning for a very memorable experience with members of our Order from around the country at Pow Wow!

Serving as Lodge Adviser has provided me a very special and deeply rewarding way to serve Scouting. My career as a youth in the program was more than formative and those memories of my experiences continue to serve and support me. However, serving as an adult adviser and seeing youth experience leadership, seeing them challenge themselves to be problem solvers and inspire others to greater service has been amazing. Mowogo Lodge and the Northeast Georgia Council, BSA continues to produce outstanding youth that take on these leadership opportunities and impact our world. Thank you. I look forward to seeing who will take up the mantle, pick up our flag, and move Mowogo Lodge forward in the coming year.

If you haven’t registered for Pow Wow, please do so. It will be held at Rainey Mountain on September 17-19. You can check with your Chapter leadership for any details for preparing for the event. If you completed your Ordeal this past March at our Spring Induction Event, you are eligible and I encourage you to seal membership in our lodge and the Order by participating in one of the Brotherhood ceremonies being offered at Pow Wow!

As always, thank you for what you have done, what you are doing, and what you will do for our lodge, our council, Scouting, and all those you encounter in the world. You make a difference. It is what being a Scout is about. It is what the Arrow you wear stands for…

“…to be unselfish in the service and devotion to the welfare of others…”

I look forward to seeing you at Pow Wow!

Yours in Cheerfulness,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA

Mowogo Lodge Hits National News (in a good way!)

Greetings to all members of the Clan of the Black Bear!

If there was any doubt, let it be extinguished today. The Black Bear has awakened from its pandemic-induced hibernation. This has been recognized by our fellow sisters and brothers in the Order of the Arrow and shared with them all on a national level.

Brother Jacob Ball submitted an article about our Spring Induction Event in March to the Lodge Ledger, a national newsletter for the Order of the Arrow, and it was published yesterday. Here is the link: Jacob wrote a great article and we are very appreciative of his efforts to create a successful event as our Vice Chief of Membership as well as now serving as a Section leader for our section, SR-9. Our Lodge Chief and all of the members of the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) and all youth and advisers that served on the staff for the event worked very hard during the months leading up to the event to make it something special as they focused solely on the Ordeal (induction) experience for our newest members and complete some much-needed maintenance service at our camp.

Please take a moment to read Jacob’s article. We hope to see all of you at our Pre-Camp Fellowship next weekend at Rainey Mountain as we work to prepare for the summer camp season.

Thank you for all you do to set the example as the Honor Society of the Northeast Georgia Council. It is noticed and appreciated. Keep the fire burning.

Yours in Service,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA

2021 PreCamp Fellowship

Greetings, Fellow Wearers of the Arrow!

We hope this message finds you well, staying safe, and ready for “Pre-Camp”!!!

In less than two weeks we will gather once again, together, as a whole Lodge. No one is more excited than I am about being able to serve, share fellowship, and celebrate as the Northeast Georgia Council’s honor society with all of you. And as we prepare for this event, we need to remind ourselves of our commitment to our values and ideals as well as the respect we need to show for all of our members, especially the Ordeal Candidates that are being sent to us from both members and non-members of our Order.

The Spring Induction event in March was very successful thanks to great planning and execution by our lodge leadership. All of you that are new Ordeal members of Mowogo Lodge, we hope you will join us so you can meet all of our members. Our annual Pre-Camp Fellowship is an important opportunity for us to share fellowship as we prepare Rainey Mountain for another standout summer camp season. This summer will be special indeed as things open back up and people are ready to back outside! Mowogo Lodge plays an integral role in preparing the camp for each summer camp season. There will also be other opportunities to explore and engage in. Please consider joining us for this event. We are proud to have you in our fold and we appreciative of those that sent you to us!

While things are opening up and the Governor of Georgia has lifted many restrictions concerning the public health concern, we need to be respectful of everyone that will join us in just a couple of weekends. Mowogo Lodge participated in our annual Section Conclave a few weeks ago. One of the expectations that I think was thoughtful and appropriate was that we were asked to be respectful and kind to those that felt the need to follow more restrictive protocols. I agree and would ask all of you to do the same. There will be opportunities for gathering and those that will wear a mask will be given every courtesy and respect for their feelings, actions, and concerns. As Scouts and Scouters, it is the least we could do. As honor campers it is what is expected. We will eat our meals in the Dining Hall with appropriate protocols in place, however, the Dining Hall will not be a place to gather for socializing and Cracker barrels, those will be held in the TNT shelters on Saturday night.

There will also be a change in our Dining Hall operations during Pre-Camp. Brotherhood member Josh Sewell has accepted the new role as our Food Services Chair and Brotherhood member Frank Eberhart has stepped into the Lodge Food Services Adviser role. They have been planning and working on some new ideas and opportunities for more involvement from each chapter in this part of our operations. The changes have been shared with the Lodge Executive Committee so please check with your Chapter Chief to make sure you understand the changes and are there to serve at the appropriate meal. Thanks to both of these brothers for taking on these important leadership roles.

Since we did not have a Winter Banquet to end 2020, we will be celebrating and recognizing some of our members on Saturday night of Pre-Camp that would have been recognized at the banquet. While somewhat different since we are in the middle of our current year, it will be appropriate for all to see these recognitions and pay an overdue thanks for service and leadership by those who give and commit themselves to be examples and guiding lights for all of us to admire and emulate. This will be in the Stewart Amphitheater. There will also be other recognitions during this program as well.

This Pre-Camp Fellowship is a great opportunity for Mowogo Lodge to get back on the tracks without losing a beat. Thank you all for the sacrifices you have made over the past year-plus. It makes me proud to know that you, members of Mowogo Lodge and the Northeast Georgia Council, set and example of respect and courtesy for all to see and follow. If you haven’t signed up yet, please follow this link and register:

Member Registration for PreCamp Fellowship

See you in a couple of weeks!

Yours in Cheerfulness,

Rusty Royston
Lodge Adviser, Mowogo Lodge
Northeast Georgia Council, BSA


Due Recognition...

SuziAs I looked at the email I just sent out and read it, again, I realized an omission on my part that needs to be corrected.

We are most fortunate to have so many wonderful pictures of our members at Lodge function. Just about all of these are taken by our own Miss Suzi Wiggs. Being the picture taker by necessity means that there are few if any pictures of you, but that should in no way be misunderstood. Thank you, Miss Suzi! Thanks for recording these memories for us to have.

So the next time you see one of these great pictures, remember there is someone who sacrifices having their picture taken so that yours can be taken.

Thanks, Suzi!
