ACTION REQUIRED! NOAC updates, payments, and activities

Mowogo NOAC contingent,

We've been receiving a number of updates about NOAC recently, and I want to run down a few key pieces of information for you to make sure you know what steps you need to take to prepare for the conference.

The NOAC trading post pre-order closes THIS FRIDAY, so if you'd like to order any NOAC gear, do it today. Here's the link:

Payments: Please make your next or final payment on the Mowogo Lodge website. Just a reminder, if you are not yet paid in full, the regular fee of $700 is required to be paid by May 31, 2022. Otherwise, the fee jumps up to $750 on June 1. I will be following up with you individually to confirm your payment status.

Update your registrations: Please log into NOARES and resolve any remaining issues on your registration. Issues may be anything from emergency contact information to activity registration to completing the waivers.

Register for Activities: Registration for individual activities is open in NOARES. All registrations are requests, and your final schedule will be set after registration closes on May 31. If you do not select training cells and other activities BEFORE May 31, you will be assigned to training and activities as space allows. Don't wait. Log in and select those activities TODAY.

Please send me your t-shirt size for the contingent t-shirts. Adult sizes from S - XXXL. I need these as soon as possible. You can send them to me at

Patch designs have been approved by the LEC, and more information will be forthcoming. Each registered delegate will receive a set, and more can be ordered by delegates, staff, and other Mowogo members. Stay tuned for more info.

Looking forward to seeing you at pre-camp in just over a week!
Yours in Cheerful Service,

Howard Chalmers
Mowogo Lodge 2022 NOAC Contingent Adviser