Section Leadership Conference

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The Section ACT Leadership Conference (SLC), formerly known as ACT Conference, is less than a month away! The SLC is a opportunity for all Arrowmen to grow their leadership skills with their brothers from across Georgia and Alabama. At this conference, attendees can expect to share ideas with and receive feedback from Arrowmen from other lodges, learn about opportunities for leadership within their local chapter and lodge, and be inspired to provide leadership in the Order of the Arrow.

The Section ACT Leadership Conference is August 26 at Bert Adams. There are options to stay overnight either Saturday or Sunday as well. The event will cost $15, and you can register at

I would highly encourage all Arrowmen to attend this event. We have completely overhauled the syllabus to provide new and more relevant trainings, so you will want to attend even if you have been to other ACT Conferences. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at the contact information below.

I look forward to seeing many of you at our Section ACT Leadership Conference!

Yours in Brotherhood,
Jacob A. Ball | Section Chief
Pronouns: He/Him/His

Eastern Region Section 6