Pre-Camp Check-in Procedure

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

We are a week and a half away from Pre-Camp and we are all thrilled to have all of you joining us at Camp Rainey Mountain for a weekend of service and fellowship. Please read this email carefully so you know what you need to do when you arrive.

Members and Candidates will arrive in the parking lot between 6:30-9:00 p.m. and head to admin. Please drop all of your gear outside on Admin’s porch before going inside. Everyone will bring their Medical Form Part A and B, along with their YPT if necessary, inside where there will be labeled tables with what paperwork goes where. If you turned all of your paperwork in at Spring Fellowship 2023, you do not need to turn it in again but you still need to come inside admin to check-in. Be sure you all stop by the check-in table itself so we can make sure everyone is accounted for. After turning in your paperwork, you will head back outside, collect your gear and members will head to their chapter campsite while Candidates will wait on the admin porch to be assigned to a clan.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out and ask. We are very excited and will see you on the 19th!

Yours in Service,

Caroline "Kit-Kat" Davis
Vice Chief of Administration, Mowogo Lodge