Jutaculla Day of Service Saturday April 1st at Camp Rotary - Come and Join Us!

On Saturday April 1, 2023 the Jutaculla Chapter will be holding a Day of Service at Camp Rotary. Ranger Jon Willette is excited to partner with us as he prepares for the thousands of scouts that will pass through his gates this year. We would love for you to join us in a cheerful day of service on Lake Hartwell and join in the fun.

Details for this event are as follows:

  1. Check-in starts at 830am at the Pavilion in the center of camp
  2. Work begins at 900am
  3. Lunch is provided although, we recommend that those scouts food allergies and/or religious food preferences bring a lunch from home (current menu is TBD based on the number of participants that register)
  4. Day should conclude by 400pm
  5. Please register on the Mowogo site www.mowogo.org through the event icon
  6. Cost is $10
  7. First 100 to pre-register will receive a commemorative event patch
  8. Other key housekeeping items are a) bring a water bottle, work gloves, and prepare for the day's weather. b) IF YOU HAVE LOPPERS - BRING A PAIR as there are limited quantities at camp, and c) Adults with BSA approved chainsaw training may bring their own saw and safety equipment.

Look for the fliers at Spring Fellowship with a direct QR code link to registration!

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at Jut.Chief@mowogo.org or Jut.Adviser@mowogo.org.

Yours in Service,
Evan Johnson
Jutaculla Chapter Chief, Mowogo Lodge