Mowogo Lodge Winter Banquet - January 13th 2024

Good Afternoon Brothers,

As the year gets wrapped up, our next lodge event, the Winter Banquet is quickly approaching. This is an evening event where we celebrate our accomplishments over the year and what we will accomplish in the future all over some delicious food. At the banquet, some things we will experience include the swearing-in of our new officers and the grand reveal of what chapter will get the black bear. This is also a special event because you can bring non-OA members as friends and family to the banquet!

The banquet will be held in the Dining Hall of Camp Rainey Mountain at 4:00 PM, January 13th, and will only be that day.

Registration costs $30 and closes on January 9th. The registration link can be found here.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me following ypt. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Yours in Enthusiasm,

Tamas L. Phillips
Vice Chief of Communications Elect, Mowogo Lodge