Elangomat Training Next Weekend

Hello Mowogo Lodge!

Next weekend at Machque Brotherhood Day at Camp Woodruff, we will be holding Elangomat Training!

The training will last from 12:30 P.M until roughly 4:30 P.M, when there will be the brotherhood ceremony. There is no cost for the training, but you will need to register for Machque Brotherhood Day ($10). Please also bring a water bottle, work gloves, work clothes, a notebook and pen, and a raincoat.

The upcoming dates are as follows:

  • February 3rd - Woodruff Scout Camp (Will be held as a part of Machque Brotherhood Day)
  • February 17th - Scoutland (Admin Building)
  • March 9th - Scoutland (Craft Shack)

One of the most important pieces of our Ordeal weekends is the Elangomats. This is such a necessary role that has the potential to make or break the experience of the candidates.

The role of the Elangomat is simple - be a friend to the candidates. You serve with them throughout the day, staying silent, and eating little. It is an opportunity for you as an Arrowman to lead by example and demonstrate the cheerful service of our brotherhood.

Here is the link to register - Elangomat Training Registration Link

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at lodge.vcm@mowogo.org.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Sankalp Yeleti | 2024 Mowogo Lodge VCM