Project List for the Day of Witahemui


As you know, Mowogo will not have a normal Spring Fellowship event. Instead, we are holding a separate induction and work day events to keep our attendance within covid-19 guidelines.

Our spring Day of Witahemui (day of service) will by held on Saturday, March 27. More information is available on our website.

Day of Witahemui Information

If you plan to attend and have not already registered, please do so via the link below.

Click here to Register for the Day of Witahemui

In order to prepare for this day of service, our project team has compiled a list of essential projects needed to begin preparing Camp Rainey Mountain for the summer camp season. Please find this list below.

It would be ideal if Mowogo Chapters would individually take ownership for each of these projects. However, if you are an individual or a group of workers attending separately from a Chapter, please let us know on which project you would like to participate. As this list has not been uploaded to the online Project List, please contact us via email to in order to request ownership or indicate your help for a project. Your contact emails will be returned individually to help coordinate for our work day.

Thank you in advance for your service.

Mowogo Project Team

Mowogo Projects
Day of Witahemui - March 27, 2021

Because of limited funding available in 2021, projects will be mostly limited to the infrastructure and maintenance that affect the Summer Camp Programs and the overall fitness of the Camp. Although these Projects are few, they are all important in the function and the fitness of Camp Rainey Mountain.

  1. CRM Signature Fence from the Archery Range Gate to the walkway down to the Shotgun and Rifle Range – Assigned to Mark Pouncey and his crew.
  2. All Maupin Campsite Tent Platforms leveled with no wood in contact with the ground. Cinderblocks and cap blocks will be provided by the Council. Most of the platforms are already levelled but need to be jacked up and concrete blocks on all 4 corners and in the middle of the platforms in the front and sides to prevent sagging. There should be one platform in the campsite that will be the standard guide to go by. Tools needed are bottle jacks, other types of hydraulic jacks, shovels, mattock, levels, screws should be used to further repair wooded frames in need of repairs. Try to avoid nails since they fail often with weather exposure. Make note of specific Tent Platform of any repairs to frames where wood or other materials are needed but not available. If properly leveled, then the platforms should last 8 to 10 years without any modifications. 8 to 10 Adults.
  3. All Gullett Campsite Tent Platforms leveled with no wood in contact with the ground. Cinderblocks and cap blocks will be provided by the Council. Most of the platforms are already levelled but need to be jacked up and concrete blocks on all 4 corners and in the middle of the platforms in the front and sides to prevent sagging. There should be one platform in the campsite that will be the standard guide to go by. Tools needed are bottle jacks, other types of hydraulic jacks, shovels, mattock, levels, screws should be used to further repair wooded frames in need of repairs. Try to avoid nails since they fail often with weather exposure. Make note of specific Tent Platform of any repairs to frames where wood or other materials are needed but not available. If properly leveled, then the platforms should last 8 to 10 years without any modifications. Last 2 Platforms on the right side need to be moved forward about 3 feet. 8 to 10 Adults.
  4. Build 6 New Tent Platforms constructed from scratch with materials provided – Adults Only with their personal Power tools wood and fasteners will be provided by the Council. 4 to 6 Adults.
  5. Franklin Chapel Maintenance – Landscape shrubbery needs to be properly pruned and the beds weeded. Pruning tools need to be used as well as hoes and hand weeding. Gloves are essential for this type of work. Walkway needs to be weeded and gravel raked in front and back.
  6. Various Painting Projects – Get materials and assignments from Ranger Foster.
  7. Plant grass seed on Franklin Chapel Hill, back of Dam, Horseshoe pit. Areas need some hand work raking and leveling before planting.
  8. Split firewood for dining hall smoker (oak, hickory, walnut) Adults 4 to 6.
  9. Finish any projects that were not completed at Induction Day.

Online Registration 2021

Registration is now available for some of the 2021 events, and you will also find a few changes. Please note that the plans and dates below are tentative, based on the ever changing situation of the current pandemic. Updates to the Mowogo schedule and event plans will be posted as needed.

Lodge Event Registration

To reduce some of the registration confusion that has occurred in the past, registration forms for upcoming major Lodge events will only be made available one at a time. Once that Lodge function is over, registration for the next Lodge function will become available. For example, registration is currently only available for the Spring Fellowship event. PreCamp Fellowship registration will not go online until after Spring Fellowship. This limitation will help reduce some of the burden on the admin team and reduce the number of registrations made in error for the wrong event.

2021 Mowogo event registration windows:

  • Jan 1, 2021 - Mar 16, 2021: Lodge member Spring Fellowship 2021 registration window
  • Mar 22, 2021 - May 18, 2021: Lodge member PreCamp Fellowship 2021 registration window
  • May 24, 2021 - Sep 14, 2021: Lodge member Pow Wow 2021 registration window
  • Sep 20, 2021 - Nov 30, 2021: Lodge member Winter Banquet 2021 registration window

Mowogo Season Pass

Back for 2021 is the Mowogo Season Pass. For those brothers that like to register for everything at the beginning of the year, this will provide the ability to register for Spring Fellowship, PreCamp Fellowship, and Pow Wow, with a single form. The Mowogo Season Pass will only be available between now and Spring Fellowship. After that time registration will only be available for single events at time. Sorry, but Winter Banquet registration will still need to be made separately.

  • Jan 1, 2021 - Mar 16, 2021: Mowogo Season Pass registration window

Ordeal Registration

As we have done for the past several years, Ordeal registration is only available for one event at a time. Registration windows for Ordeal candidates is as follows:

  • Jan 1, 2021 - Mar 12, 2021: Ordeal - Spring Fellowship 2021 registration window
  • Mar 22, 2021 - May 14, 2021: Ordeal - PreCamp Fellowship 2021 registration window

Changes to Group Registration

You will find that a few changes have been made to simplify the group registration method. Group registration is now only available for certain events, and should only be used if all members of the group share the same address, unit, chapter, ie. are members of the same family. This is the way the vast majority of folks have used this method in the past. To help simplify group registration, the only info required for each group member is name, birthdate, and BSAID. All address, contact, unit, and chapter information will be filled in as part of the billing info form.

If you wish to register multiple people for an event that are candidates or lodge members with different address and contact info, you will need to create multiple individual registrations. However, this can still be done with a single payment. After entering the first individual registration form, you will be given the option at the cart to register for another event. At that point simply register your next group member. The individual registrations will accumulate in the cart until such time as you are ready to pay.

Are you receiving Mowogo email?

Mowogo Lodge sends out information about upcoming events to all registered members. Additionally, confirmation emails are sent to individual members when you use the online registration system. If you are a registered lodge member and are not receiving mowogo email, please make sure to update your email spam filter to accept email from the domain. You also need to accept email from in order to receive email confirmation of online registration charges. If you are still not receiving email after unblocking these domains, please contact us to make sure we have your current email address on file in the Lodge database.

Join the CRM & ScoutLand CampMasters !!

What are the Campmasters ?
The Campmasters are a arm of the council camping committee made up from a group of volunteer scouter's that help out at our camps on select weekends when they can.

What does a Campmaster do ?
We help our camp rangers by basically becoming the ranger for a weekend giving them some needed time off. We check people into and out of camp. If a unit has reserved boats we open up the boathouse for them (they move the boats to the lake and bring them back in, we check them out and back in). You check the bathrooms and campsites they have reserved prior to their arrival to see what condition they are in and check them when they check out to be sure they left them in better shape than they were in when they arrived. You keep bathroom supplies in the bathrooms but cleaning them is the unit’s responsibility (we are not a maid service). We check the bathrooms at check out and the units have to clean them before leaving if they need it. At check in we inform the campers of the “no cars in camp national policy” and that they have one hour to unload and move their vehicles to the parking lot.

When do we work and who sets the schedule?
You work when you can fit it in your schedule. You sign up for weekends that work best for you and if a conflict comes up you can trade with another campmaster. We meet  sign up for weekends and are contacted by the camp ranger a week or so out from your weekend to up date you on how many campers will be at camp on your weekend. If no units (or very few are signed up for your weekend) the ranger may tell you that you do not need to come. The idea is with enough people helping out as a campmaster no one should have to work more than 2 or 3 times a year at most. Some events do not need campmasters and with the summer filled with Cub activities and summer camp we do not work from mid May thru July.

Where do I stay and what about meals?
We stay in the admin trailer and have a bedroom and bathroom to ourselves. Most of the time you have the trailer to yourself but at times there may be folks staying in the other end of the trailer (some camporees etc). You bring your own food and can use the kitchen in the trailer to fix your meals.

Do I have to be in uniform?
While you don’t have to be in uniform we do encourage you to be in at least what is referred to as “class B”. We will provide you with a NEGA Campmaster’s hat after you have served twice as Campmaster.

When do I have to arrive and when do I leave?
You arrive on Friday as soon as you can get there after work (there is not a “have to be there by” time). Most units arrive between 6pm and 8pm since the leaders have real jobs like we do also. You usually leave around noon on Sunday since most units get up, eat, pack and leave on Sunday morning themselves. If something comes up and you have to leave early or in the middle of your weekend let the ranger know.

We hope this gives you an idea of what the campmaster program is about and encourage you to contact us if you are interested in helping out. The more help we have the less each has to do. We were having problems at Scoutland with our own units leaving the camp in worse shape when they left than it was in when they arrived. Everyone wanted to use the bathrooms but did not do their part to keep them clean and usable (unplugged). Since we have started the campmaster program at Scoutland this has greatly improved. Although this may sound like a lot of work I can tell you from having done it for the past three years you need to bring a book and a deck of cards or some work to do because most of your time will be “free” ( it’s nice to just sit on the front porch ). Again if you are interested in helping out you can contact me at (put campmaster in the subject line). We will have 2 meetings a year to keep everyone informed and discuss issues etc that may have come up.

If you know of anyone else that may be interested please send this to them.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have and to sign up to help as a campmaster.

Ed Foster