Spring Fellowship Photos Submission
Hello Brothers!
Firstly, I would like to thank you all so much for the incredible cheerful service that was put into Spring Fellowship! Everyone played a part in ensuring success whether you served as an Elangomat, worked on the campfire, or did one of the many other projects.
Seeing everyone have a blast while working together truly struck a chord with me and I hope it inspires everyone to keep up the great work.
For everyone who took pictures during the event, I have a challenge for all of you. The communications team is offering a competition for everyone who submits photos of the Spring Fellowship. Send some of your photos for the chance to win a prize!
To submit your pictures, you can either submit the pictures to the Mowogo Facebook page or message the Instagram page Mowogo243. Additionally, you can email them to these people:
- Photography Chair Addi Scott: photo.committee@mowogo.org
- Photography Adviser Suzi Wiggs: photo.committee.adviser@mowogo.org
Be sure to follow YPT if you are emailing pictures.
Thank you all so much! I look forward to seeing everyone's pictures!
Yours in Enthusiasm,
Tamas L. Phillips | Vice Chief of Communications
Order of the Arrow, Mowogo Lodge
Email | lodge.vcc@mowogo.org