Elangomat Training This Weekend


I would like to remind you all of the upcoming Elangomat Training at Woodruff this Saturday (2/11/23). This is our second opportunity of the year, and we need as many trained Elangomats as possible for our Ordeal weekends in order for it to be a success. Being a member of the Elangomat Corps is an excellent opportunity for all of you to fulfill your obligation of cheerful service to others. It is also a requirement for all present Lodge Officers and Chapter Chiefs as well as a requirement for anyone hoping to become a future Lodge Officer or Chapter Chief.

Please register at the Mowogo Website - Elangomat Training Registration

As a reminder, you only need to attend one training to Elangomat at either Ordeal event. In addition, if you attend the training prior to Spring Fellowship, and then serve as an Elangomat during the 2023 Ordeal events, (Spring Fellowship, Pre-Camp, and Fall Fellowship), you will have completed the first requirement that puts you on the list to possibly be inducted as a member of the prestigious WOLF CLAN.

The training will begin at 9:00 am and end at 1:30 pm as usual.
Wear work clothes and bring work gloves, a water bottle, your own lunch, and rain gear if warranted.

As a reminder here is a list of all the remaining Elangomat training dates!

  • February 11th - Woodruff (Machque Brotherhood Day)
  • March 11th - Scoutland (Craft Shack)
  • April 1st - Camp Rotary
  • May 13th - Scoutland (Admin Building)

Thank you all so much!

Alex Sutter
Vice Chief of Membership, Mowogo Lodge

Conclave Earlybird Registration Closes Tomorrow


The 2023 Conclave will be held at Camp Tukabatchee, April 14th-16th. During the annual Conclave, they will have training opportunities available from shows to the history of the order. They will also have fun activities for all members, no matter their activity level, to participate. Conclave is a great opportunity to learn more about the OA and spend time with your fellow members!

Early bird registration ($40) will close TOMORROW January 31st at midnight. Registration after that will close on April 1st at midnight and then the price will jump to $60.

Register here- Conclave Registration

Mowogo is at 48% of our early bird registration goal, let's get Mowogo to 100%.

I hope to see everyone at Conclave in April!

Yours in Cheerfulness,

Elizabeth A. Brown
Vice Chief of Communications, Mowogo Lodge

Register for Conclave 2023!!


The 2023 Conclave will be held at Camp Tukabatchee, April 14th-16th. During the annual Conclave, they will have training opportunities available from shows to the history of the order. They will also have fun activities for all members, no matter their activity level, to participate.

Early bird registration ($40) will close on January 31st at midnight. Registration after that will close on April 1st at midnight and then the price will jump to $60.

Register here- Conclave Registration

Mowogo is at 48% of our early bird registration goal, let's get Mowogo to 100%.

I hope to see everyone at Conclave in April!

Yours in Cheerfulness,

Elizabeth Brown
Vice Chief of Communications, Mowogo Lodge

Machque Brotherhood Day 2023

Hello brothers and sisters of Mowogo Lodge! Machque Chapter is proud to announce that registration for the Machque Brotherhood Day 2023 event is open. This event will take place on February 11th at Woodruff Scout Camp located at 31 Woodruff Dr, Blairsville, GA 30512. We will meet in the Nun building and begin activities at 1:00 PM.

This is an opportunity for all members of the lodge to join our chapter and celebrate Brotherhood. The day will include training and games followed by a Spaghetti Supper and conclude with a Brotherhood ceremony, for those that would like to take advantage of this opportunity. For those interested in serving as an Elangomat this coming spring, there will also be an Elangomat training session beginning at 9:00am.

If you are an Ordeal Member of Mowogo Lodge and have completed your ordeal at the last Pre Camp Fellowship in May of 2022 or any time before, you will be eligible to participate in this Brotherhood ceremony and become a Brotherhood member before Spring Fellowship this coming March 2023!

All attendees need to register through the Mowogo online registration system. Please bring a paper copy of your registration email to the event check in. The fee for attendance will be $5 (Pay at the Door) to cover dinner, which will be collected at checkin as cash or check only. Online payment and credit card payment is not available for this event.

Register for the Machque Brotherhood Day here

If you are planning to participate in the Brotherhood ceremony, please prepare properly by doing the following:

  • Check the Converting to Brotherhood checkbox in the registration form
  • Arrive in Complete Scout Field Uniform (Class A) with your Ordeal sash.
  • Write a letter addressed to the Mowogo Lodge Vice Chief of Membership that states the following:
    • Explain what you think the obligation means.
    • Describe how you have been fulfilling this Obligation in your unit and invyour daily life, and how you have used your understanding of the Ordeal to aid in this service.
    • Describe your specific plans for continuing this service in the future.
    • Tell what the Order of the Arrow means to you, and why you are seeking Brotherhood Membership.

If you are attending the service portion of the event only and are not participating in the Brotherhood ceremony, do not check the Converting to Brotherhood checkbox while registering. If you plan to attend the Elangomat training session at 9:00am, please register for this separately using the Elangomat Training registration form.

Note: For members converting to Brotherhood, it is highly encouraged that you read and prepare for the five challenges that precede Brotherhood mentioned in the Order of the Arrow Handbook.

Yours Truly,

Mathew Monroe
Machque Chapter Chief, Mowogo Lodge

Elangomat Training this Weekend, 1/21


I would like to remind you all of the upcoming Elangomat Training at Scoutland this Saturday (1/21/23). This is one of our first opportunities of the year, and we need as many trained Elangomats as possible for our Ordeal weekends in order for it to be a success. Being a member of the Elangomat Corps is an excellent opportunity for all of you to fulfill your obligation of cheerful service to others. It is also a requirement for all present Lodge Officers and Chapter Chiefs as well as a requirement for anyone hoping to become a future Lodge Officer or Chapter Chief.

Please register here

As a reminder, you only need to attend one training to Elangomat at either Ordeal event. In addition, if you attend the training prior to Spring Fellowship, and then serve as an Elangomat during the 2023 Ordeal events, (Spring Fellowship, Pre-Camp, and Fall Fellowship), you will have completed the first requirement that puts you on the list to possibly be inducted as a member of the prestigious WOLF CLAN.

The training will begin at 9:00 am and end at 1:30 pm as usual.
Wear work clothes and bring work gloves, a water bottle, your own lunch, and rain gear if warranted.

As a reminder here is a list of all the Elangomat training dates!

January 21st - Scoutland (Admin Building)
February 11th - Woodruff (Machque Brotherhood Day)
March 11th - Scoutland (Craft Shack)
April 1st - Camp Rotary
May 13th - Scoutland (Admin Building)

Thank you all so much!

Alex Sutter
Vice Chief of Membership, Mowogo Lodge