Founder's Award 2022 Nominations

Mowogo Brothers,

Hello everyone. I hope your summer has treated yall well and for many of you school is doing the same if not better. Our next lodge event is Pow Wow where we highlight the Cheerfulness aspect of our order. With this event we also hold our Founder’s Award Committee meeting to go over nominations and candidates who might be recognized with the Founder’s Award.

For those who do not know, the Founder’s Award was made to recognize arrowmen who have given outstanding service to their lodge and demonstrate that he or she personifies the spirit of selfless service. These attributes were advocated by the founders of the Order of the Arrow, E. Urner Goodman and Carrol A. Edson, hence the name of Founder’s Award. If more than one award is presented each year one must go to a youth under the age of 21. Our lodge normally recognizes two very deserving arrowmen each year. To see past recipients of this award go to our lodge website under Founder’s Award or click here: Mowogo Lodge - Founder's Award

To better look at all of our deserving arrowmen of this award each year we accept nominations from anyone in the lodge. So if you think of someone who is deserving for this distinguished award please find the nomination form linked below and follow its instructions on what to fill out and how to submit it. Please note to look at our lodges' past recipients so you don’t nominate someone who has already been recognized with this award. If you would like to present the committee your nomination in person you are able to do that as well, but please contact me before we hold the meeting so I know who is presenting and to give you the meeting time and place.

Finally remember to keep Mowogo as strong and as serving as we always are. GO BEARS!

Yours in Service,

Evan Bryan
Mowogo Lodge Founder’s Award Committee Chairman

Reminder - Mowogo Indian Summer

Hello Everyone,

Ani Gatogewi Chapter LogoI hope you are all doing well. I would like to remind you all that registration for this year's Indian Summer ends on Saturday the 13th at Midnight. If you are available to help out on Saturday the 20th and want to learn more about Indian Affairs (like Ceremonies, Dancing, or Drumming) or just give some love to one of NEGA's Camping properties. We of the Ani-Gatogewi Chapter hope that you come out to Camp Rotary on scenic Lake Hartwell and join us for a Day of Service and training.

You can register for the event at the following link: Register for Mowogo Indian Summer

The Ranger of Camp Rotary, Brother John Willette, and I would like to remind everyone to have the appropriate PPE (work gloves and goggles), water bottles, and hedge trimmers (or other scout-appropriate tools that can be used to cut tree branches).

LEC members, if you haven't already, please remember to register for this weekend so that we can buy enough food for everyone.

Also, youths who are interested in the Indian lore Merit badge. When you register, there is a box on the registration form for you to mark. That box lets me know that you would like to take it (if you wanted to take it but forgot to hit the check mark on the form. Send me an email (CC an adult or scoutmaster when you do so) and I'll make a note of it).

We can't wait to see you all there. If you have any questions let me or our Chapter Chief Emeth Bordan ( know. Lastly, I would like to leave you with this quote from the Native People of this country who remind us to preserve the planet that we live on...not just for ourselves but for the people of the future.

“Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors; we borrow it from our Children.” – Tribe Unknown

Yours in Service,

Jacson Lee Moody III
Mowogo Lodge, Ani-Gatogewi Chapter Adviser
Vigil Honor Member
Indian Affairs Adult Adviser

ACT Conference Registration


First, I would like to thank everyone who attended NOAC this year. Mowogo got some great representation because of the servant leadership each of y'all displayed at the event.

One of the best things about NOAC is the emphasis on training to better yourself, and subsequently your local community. One of the best ways you can get trained to help our lodge succeed in the future is by attending the Section E6 Adapt, Collaborate, and Thrive (ACT) Conference.

The ACT Conference will be hosted at Comer Scout Reservation in Mentone, AL from Saturday August 27th, through Sunday August 28th. This event will cost $15, which you will need to bring with you on Saturday. More information about the actual content of the event can be found here. If you have any questions about the logistics of this conference, please email me at, or give me a call (following YPT) at (678) 899-3120.

You can register for the event here. I would highly recommend anyone interested in running for, or currently in a chapter or lodge leadership position attend this conference. This conference helps show where the Order of the Arrow is heading, and how we as leaders in this organization can help steer it in the right direction. If you need help organizing transportation to and from this event, please indicate so on the form. This form will close on August 11th at 11:59 pm. Please register before then. Thank you all so much, and I look forward to seeing you at the ACT Conference.

Yours in Brotherhood,
Jacob A. Ball
2022 Mowogo Lodge Chief

Mowogo Indian Summer Update

Hello Everyone,

The Ani-Gatogewi Chapter has been working hard on preparing for this year's Indian Summer. For those able to attend, we can't wait to see you all. We hope that you can join us in providing service for our Council's Primitive Camping Facility.

We would also like to remind everyone to bring the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) like work gloves, goggles, and close-toed shoes. Also please bring water bottles and things that can be used to cut back tree branches and brush (i.e. hedge clippers and other scout-appropriate hand tools).

I also hope you enjoy our training cells on various aspects of Indian Affairs. There will also be an Indian Lore Merit Badge class.

Registration is 15 dollars, 10 for food, and 5 for the patch. LEC members please register for the event so that we can purchase enough food for everyone in attendance. Our event will take place on August 20th. Click here for a copy of the Schedule

The last thing I leave you with is a quote from the Namesake of the City of Seattle, Washington. About finding one's purpose and following their mission to fulfill it. As we who love the woods and camping strive to maintain the places we love for the future of our council and the scouting program.

“When you know who you are; when your mission is clear, and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.” – Chief Seattle, Duwamish Tribe



Jacson Lee Moody III
Chapter Adviser
Vigil Honor Member
Indian Affairs Adult Adviser

Join SWAPA Jamboree Staff

Dear Brothers,

I want to connect with you all and invite you to be part of a brand-new event in Northeast Georgia Council. This year, instead of a fall camporee, Apalachee and Sweetwater District will come together and launch a jamboree-style event at Camp Rainey Mountain. Picture a mini-summer camp weekend with all the program stations open, several fun events, and time to unwind with your friends while having a great time.

As you know, Coming out of COVID, our troops are struggling. They need excitement, spirit, and fellowship to help each of them grow their Scouting programs. We can help!! With your support we can infuse this event with spirit and excitement and make SWAPA an event to remember - it will be SPECTACULAR!! SWAPA will allow troops from both Sweetwater and Apalachee Districts (as well as troops from other districts and councils) to come together and experience the FUN of the Scouting program, without the pressure that hosting or competing may create. The more troops come, the more amazing SWAPA will be.

There are two ways to help. One - promote the event to your troop and get them excited to attend. Two - become part of the best ever, NEGA famous, youth staff.

WHEN: 9/30-10/2
WHERE: Camp Rainey Mountain

The goal is to have a full youth staff composed of Scouts aged 13 and at least First Class or are members of a Venturing Crew. In addition to supporting specific program areas of interest, we are also looking for a youth leadership team that will include an SPL, ASPLs, Masters of Ceremonies for the campfire and battle of the air bands, program area leads, and communication leads for social media. In addition, there is an opportunity to volunteer in the OA Service Corps.

Staffers receive meals, a staffer t-shirt, and of course...a patch!
Although you are volunteering, each youth staffer will still have opportunities to participate in the program. The goal is for everyone to have fun.

Program Highlights:

  • Dragon (Cardboard) Boat Regatta
  • High Adventure Challenge
  • Cowboy Action Shoot*
  • Rifle/Shotgun/Archery/Tomahawks
  • COPE/Climbing
  • Dutch Oven Cookoff
  • Scout Games
  • Ultimate Frisbee Competition
  • Battle of the Air Bands
  • Campfire
  • OA Museum and Ice Cream Social
  • and more

Please complete the staff application link. Applicants will be reviewed in the order that they are received. We are looking forward to putting on an amazing event together.

Youth Staff Application

Adult Staff Application

If you have any questions, please email Jessica Starbuck at Remember to include a Scout leader or parent for two-deep.

Yours in Brotherhood,
Jacob A. Ball
| Lodge Chief