Japeechen Fall Day of Fellowship

Mowogo Brothers,

The Japeechen Chapter is excited to announce that we will be hosting of our first Japeechen Fall Fellowship event on Saturday, November 12th, and it will be open to the entire lodge. Please join us for a fun day of service and fellowship at Scoutland beginning at 9am. Tools will be provided by Scoutland, but be sure to bring your own PPE (work gloves, proper footwear, rain gear, sun screen, etc.) and a water bottle. Please plan to arrive in Class A with your sash for flags. Thanks.

The $5.00 event fee (pay online or at the door) includes pizza lunch and an event patch.

Click Here to Register Now

8:30am Begin to arrive. Meet at the Admin Building porch.
8:50am Depart for Flags
9:00am Flags and photo (Class A) on the parade field
9:15am Team & Work Assignments (Class B/work clothes the rest of the day)
9:30am Service Projects until 11:45am
12:00pm Lunch (location TBD - tentatively the Pioneering Shelter, but location will be close to work projects)
1:00pm Service Projects continue
2:30pm Free time
4:00pm Departures

Please save the date! A link to RSVP will be forwarded shortly. I'm looking forward to seeing many of my brothers next month at Japeechen Chapter's Fall Fellowship. Thank you in advance for helping to make this event a success. Please email me and/or Mr. DeArmas and Mr. Weber at jap.adviser@mowogo.org if you have any questions.

Yours in service,
Alex Soro
Japeechen Chapter Chief

Elangomat Training at Canantutlaga Day of Service


We are pleased to announce that Canantutlaga will also be offering an Elangomat Training during the Day of Service event on November 5, 2022. Becoming a trained Elangomat is one of the important requirements to become a member of the esteemed Wolf Clan. To indicate your interest in taking the Elangomat Training session put "Elangomat Training" in the comment box on the registration form. If you have already registered for the event and wish to take part in the Elangomat Training, please send a quick email to can.adviser@mowog.org advising of your interest; your registration will be updated.

Click here to Register for the Event

Yours in Cheerful Service,

Chris Ball | Chapter Adviser
Canantutlaga Chapter, Mowogo Lodge
“Canantutlaga is built different”

Canantutlaga Day of Service to Scoutland

Canantutlaga Chapter will be hosting a Day of Service on Saturday, November 5, 2022 at Scoutland. Please join us for day of fun, fellowship and service. Cost is $5.00 per participant and includes lunch. Please wear your Class A with Sash for a photo op with a Class B underneath. Participants should also bring work gloves, rain gear, and water bottle. We look forward to seeing you there!

Your pre-registration is requested at the link below.
Preregister for the Canantutlaga Day of Service

Who: All of Mowogo Lodge
What: Day of Service
When: Saturday, November 5, 2022 at 9:00am
Where: Soutland (meet on the Admin porch)
Why: We are the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service
How: Class A and Sash with Class B underneath; Work Gloves; Rain Gear; Water Bottle

Can DayOfService Patch2022

Forward any questions to: can.adviser@mowogo.org

Yours in Cheerful Service,
Chris Ball  |  Chapter Adviser
Canantutlaga Chapter, Mowogo Lodge
“Canantutlaga is built different”

Vigil Nominations Open

The nomination period for 2023 Vigil Honor candidates is now open.

Please login and go to the User -> Vigil Honor Nominations page under the User Menu. There you will find the 2023 Vigil Nomination form and Vigil Eligibility lists.

Please help to recognize Brothers who deserve this honor.

Mowogo 2022 Pow Wow


I hope you’re all doing well.

Fall Pow Wow is just around the corner! Pow Wow is one of our lodge’s largest and most attended events each year. Taking place on September 16th-18th this year you won’t want to miss it!

Pow Wow is a unique event for our lodge, focused on fellowship, fun and brotherhood! You could compare it to a camporee, each chapter will participate in games, activities and trainings competing to take home the coveted Black Bear!

On Saturday morning we’ll have training cells, an opportunity to learn and earn points for your chapter. In the afternoon we’ll have games, some past examples are: Tug of War, Ultimate Frisbee, Wischixin, Waguli Stick, A Plunger Relay and more. All games are played Tournament Style with each chapter competing for third, second and first place!

One of the most important aspects of Pow Wow is Lodge Officer Elections. If you’re looking to run for a position, or would like to have a say in your 2023 Lodge Officers, you’ll have to attend. Elections will be taking place Sunday morning after breakfast and a short Scouts Own.

You may not know this, but if you went through your Ordeal at Spring Fellowship, you’re eligible for Brotherhood at Pow Wow! If you’re interested in converting to Brotherhood membership all you have to do is check a box when you sign up that says, “Converting to Brotherhood.” Your OA Handbook lists the requirements. Make sure you get those done before Pow Wow and you’re all set.

Register before Friday September 9th to avoid the late fee and remember that registration closes on Tuesday September 13th!
Sign up at:
Pow Wow Event Registration

IMPORTANT: If you are unable to attend Pow Wow but would like to remain active in the lodge you will have to pay your dues for 2023 on the Mowogo Website. Lodge dues are included in the cost of Pow Wow every year, so this is an important step for all who cannot attend.
If you are not attending Pow Wow, you can pay your dues here:
Pay Dues & Transfers

I hope to see you there,
Will Benjamin
Mowogo Lodge Vice Chief of Communication